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Moving pages in Library

By rebecca.halleck.

Last edited by isaac.white. Created .

Table of Contents:

If you created the document using Library’s “Create a Page” button it will automatically file itself in the folder you were in. For example, if you are on a Graphics document and hit create a page, your document will be in the Graphics category by default.

You can move pages from folder to folder within Library by clicking the “Move This Page” button located at the bottom of every page.

Importing an existing Google Doc into Library

If you are importing an existing Google Doc from outside of Library, you must add the document to the Library team drive. To do this, navigate using the back arrow at the top of your doc to team drives then to the NYT Library team drive. Find the appropriate category folder and confirm you want to “move here,” you will be prompted to approve that ownership of your document now belongs to Once you’ve done this the document will be live on Library.