nytimes/library: Community Update
Hello, Library users! We have some details about our upcoming community call we want to share with you, as well as an update on the latest Library features.
Community Call next Tuesday: Oct 15, 12 - 1pm ET.
Call +1 470-705-4259 PIN: 988 473# to join. We'll take notes in this doc.
Join us on Oct 15 for our inaugural community call! We’re excited that so many of your are finding Library useful and are eager to hear ideas you have for its development.
This call is an opportunity for anyone interested in (or already using!) Library to meet the maintainers and find out how it can be useful at your organization. It's also a chance to ask questions and share any ideas or challenges you've had so far with using Library. We hope to use the conversations that emerge in the call to make Library more useful for everyone.
Connect with us via phone on Oct 15 from 12 - 1pm ET: +1 470-705-4259 PIN: 988 473# [Notes here.]
Version v1.2.0 released
The most recent version of Library is out, and it includes an exciting new feature: search autocomplete! We’re thrilled to have this added to Library and think that it will really supercharge the ability to find documents quickly.
Special thanks to Andrew Fischer, who took the lead on developing the autocomplete feature.
Additional release notes
Here’s some more detailed release notes from v1.2.0 and v1.1.0.
v1.2.0: Autocomplete, auth options, code snippet updates
- Adds autocompleted filenames to Library search. 🙌, @afischer!
- Adds the ability use specific emails and regex to the default authentication middleware. 🙌, @maxine!
- Updates the markup generated for code snippets to use <code/> blocks. 🙌, @abstrctn!
v1.1.0: Improvements for large Libraries
- Preserves deep links (via #heading links) from Google Docs that are part of Library. 🙌, @maxine!
- Adds the ability to template the homepage modules by tag and description. Via @isaacwhite.
- Simplify running the app locally so that npm run watch always builds first. 🙌, @davegonzalez!
- Adds a warning when multiple documents or folders resolve to the same path in Library. 🙌, @jonpo!
- Adds a max height (400px) to folders on the View all Docs page, useful for larger Library sites. 🙌, @jdk27!
Also includes minor updates via npm audit fix and others.
Are you using Library at your organization? Let us know!
Maxine Whitely and I are working to expand our list of organizations using Library and feature them in the readme on GitHub. If you’ve already told us you’re using Library, thank you. If you’re enjoying Library and aren’t included yet, let us know!